Més enllà de la Sénia premieres in Tibidabo

On September 28, the Cobla Jovenívola of Sabadell premiered my sardana Més enllà de la Sénia. It was performed in a dance event organized by the Confederació Sardanista de Catalunya as part of the 123rd anniversary of the Tibidabo amusement park.

More than 500 sardana dancers were present, listening and dancing to my sardana.

The sardana Més enllà de la Sénia

It is my first sardana and composition for a cobla.

I'm not very familiar with this world, and in fact, I can barely dance sardanes. But as a Catalan and a composer, I've always been very interested in music for cobla. It's an instrumental ensemble with a unique timbre and many possibilities.

Unfortunately, throughout my musical training, I haven't studied it, as if being a traditional music ensemble made it less important. During my Bachelor's degree in composition, I studied instrumentation and orchestration, but we never covered the cobla or its instruments.

So I had to learn from scratch: I read some instrumentation manuals, analyzed some sardanas, asked musicians, and searched for information.

I composed a traditional sardana with a personal touch. This piece maintains the structure and character of the genre but with some influences from American music. I played by combining the rhythms and harmonies of the sardana and Jazz.

La Sénia is the westernmost municipality in Catalonia, so the name Més enllà de la Sénia (Beyond the Sénia) reflects the blending of Catalan culture and Western music.

